Psychological Immigration Evaluation

Immigration Evaluation

Why do i need a psychological immigration evaluation?

An Immigration Psychological Evaluation or Assessment is a comprehensive report prepared by an independently licensed professional counselor. This evaluation is used by immigration attorneys to strengthen their client’s case to reside lawfully in the United States. 

The immigration evaluation’s purpose is to document the client’s mental health conditions and to diagnose him/her.

Where can we apply them?

If you were victim of a crime such as an assault, a robbery, a sexual assault, a shooting, and there is a police report about the crime, you could qualify for a U VISA. The Immigration Psychological Evaluation could help you prove the psychological damage that the crime has caused you, and it could help you in your legal case and avoiding deportation.

If you were victim of a crime such as a psychological, physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse in your relationship with your partner or spouse (domestic violence) or in your relationship with some of your family members, you can qualifify for VAWA. The Immigration Evaluation could help you prove the psychological damage that the abuse has caused you, and it could help you in your legal case and avoiding deportation.

If applying for a waiver that requires you to a showing of extreme hardship to a spouse, parent, son, or daughter of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, you must submit evidence establishing the family relationship and evidence that shows the denial of admission would result in extreme hardship to your qualifying relative. The Immigration Psychological Evaluation could help you prove the extreme hardship that your relative could suffer if you were separated, and it could help  you in your legal case and to avoid deportation.


Under U.S. law, people who flee their countries because they fear persecution can apply for asylum. The Immigration Psychological Evaluation could help you prove the psychological damage that you suffered due to the persecution and/or due to the abuse that you suffered in your country, which led you to flee it,  and it could help you in your legal case and to  avoid deportation.

The T visa provides immigration status to noncitizen victims and allows them to remain in the United States to assist in the detection, investigation or prosecution of acts of human trafficking.
What is human trafficking?
“Is a form of modern-day slaver in which traffickers use force, fraud, corruption or coercion to compel individuals to provide labor or services, including commercial sex.”

We work closely with your immigration attorney!

Lawyers: Darío Romero, Cody Fullmer, Rafael Tirado, CIMA LAW GROUP, La liga defensora, Carmen Abarca Wilson 
Certified Legal Document Preparers: Jedaya Taveras, Bravo Services 

Let's talk
About Us

We are specialists in immigration psychology in Arizona, Florida and California.

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